

You need to know that clutter can be dangerous to your health. Home organization is required by your brain for proper functioning, and that is why you may feel drained and anxious in messy homes. To sleep or focus on a cluttered home can be difficult. This is one of the reasons to get rid of your clutters.
How do you perform decluttering?
Have you ever think of downsizing your belongings?
While I wouldn’t consider myself a minimalist either, I’m not too fond of clutter. I always want my home to be neat, clean, and free of clutter, and that is why we always clear out unwanted items. If you have not performed decluttering professionally, you need a method to get you started. Have you heard of the KonMari Method?
The KonMari Method is a unique means of decluttering the home. Marie Kondo encourages her clients to make cleaning a habit; she often describes it as a marathon. She encourages people to perform one major decluttering and then small activities every day to keep their home tidy. The KonMari method involves tidying (disposing of plus storing) categorically by room.

Who is Marie Kondo?

Marie Kondo is a 35 years old Japanese organization expert who created a transformative method of cleaning home. Kondo was a 19-year old student in Tokyo when her passion for organization moved her to establish her consulting firm. She advises people on how to make their life more comfortable, transform their homes, and maximize their space. She had since then discovers new ways to share her wisdom with a larger audience.
Her New York Times best-selling book has sold more than 1.5 million copies and also inspired a show on Netflix. Her organization technique is known as the KonMari Method, extracted from the syllables of her last and first name. The KonMari Method has been commonly recognized all across the world because of its effectiveness, simplicity, and ability to encourage its followers by helping them gain control over their lives again.

The KonMari Method

This method will keep your home and living spaces organized by getting rid of items that you no longer need in your life. Kondo has helped many people with this method, which she describes as the life-changing magic of cleaning up in her book and tidying up with Marie Kondo in her Netflix show.

The KonMari Method checklist Rules

Alongside the KonMari Method process, which involves tidying from one category to another, creating clutter for each category, and then identifying what needs to go, some rules should be noted. The following 6 direct rules will help you improve the process as stated by Kondo Mari. See this process as the major course and the rules as hacks. They are added to it, and it makes the primary course a bit easier. The following are the rules for tidying by Marie Kondo:

1. Be committed to tidying up
2. Visualize your preferred lifestyle
3. Finish discarding first
4. Tidy based on category, not by location
5. Stick to the right order
6. Check within yourself if it brings you joy

First rule – Be committed to tidying up: This rule is very important to remember at all times. Leaving a process uncompleted or giving up along the way will only cut short your success.

Second rule – Visualize your preferred lifestyle: This enables you to create a targeted goal for the person who is starting their journey to tidying up. With a purpose, you have something to work towards and not just tidying for tidying sake.

Third rule – Finish discarding first: Make sure you dispose of items after completing each category. Else, as you reach the fourth category, you will have more than enough junk in your living room.

Fourth rule – Tidy based on category, not by location: this supports the process. It is just to remind us to go against our usual lifestyle so we can continue with an optimized approach.

Fifth rule – Stick to the right order: This is a rule that we like the most at Process Street. We understand the importance of implementing processes and how vital it is to stick to the process all the time.

Sixth rule – Ask yourself if this brings you joy: Is it to reconfirm that you are accessing the worth of the items to you emotionally? This is seen as an integral step; it is worth mentioning again in the rules list. You can easily follow the rules that the KonMari Method is all about, so just put it into practice and benefit from it.

Selection Criteria for Items Discard

Kondo Marie encourages clients to concentrate on the items they plan to keep instead of the ones they want to dispose of. Her criteria are very clear – does the item spark joy? She recommends that the items we keep should be things we enjoy, they are the belongings that should bring us happiness, and thus, the only items that should remain in our house are the items that bring joy. This criterion is much different than the ones I’ve ever used in the past.
They include:

– Is it damaged or old?
– Does the item still serve a purpose/function?
– Might I or any of my family members use it someday?
– Is it still out of date or still in style?
– Could I change its purpose for something else?

Below are the 20 things suggested to be discarded by Marie Kondo:

1. Items that have outlived their use

It is our habit as people to hold on to items we no longer need or want. By making an inventory of all your possession and marking items that still serve you well, you will start discovering that many items are lying around that have no further use to you. Keep what works for you and dispose of what doesn’t.

2. Price Tags and Packaging

According to Marie Kondo, products in the store have price tags and packaging, so immediately we buy them, we should make it a habit to throw price tags and packaging away to make the items feel more personal. This will also enable you to think twice before you buy an item you don’t need.

3. Everything that doesn’t bring you Joy

We already discussed this earlier. It is essential to understand that it applies to each category, books, clothing, paper, sentimental items, and so on.

4. Papers

Receipts, credit card statements, manuals, bills, checkbooks, old warranties, payslips, and greeting cards are all papers. Marie understands that they all serve different purposes for a certain period, but you can now get rid of them. Also, sometimes, none of these items bring joy. Immediately your credit card statement is delivered, check for accuracy, and then shred it. Marie encourages people to discard everything concerning the paper. This doesn’t include items that hold sentimental value, such as personal letters and journals. There are exceptions to this rule. Papers that you are currently using, those that are needed for a certain period, and papers that must be kept with you permanently.

5. Branded Products

There are ads everywhere and even in our private spaces. We are constantly disturbed with information on products so it can stimulate us into ordering for even things that we don’t need. Marie Kondo suggests we decant shampoo, liquid soaps, and so on into one container to give our household a great and peaceful look.

6. Unneeded Books

Book lovers all around the globe were surprised when Marie Kondo suggested the need to discard books that are not needed. She further explained that we should keep books that we considered valuable and then sell, dispose of, donate, or gift books we no longer need because we are to keep only items that bring joy to us. If you have books that you only read halfway, you no longer need to keep them according to Marie since you already got halfway. Maybe they were meant to be read halfway.

7. Cosmetic Samples

I can’t hide my happiness after reading this one. I use Lancôme for my makeup and have made a habit of buying only makeup when they are doing their gift-with-purchase events. This is why I have many face moisturizers, colorful pallets of small-eye shadow sets, and eye moisturizers. I’ve kept these items for several years and do not use them. It will please you to know that I have disposed of them from my home. Marie’s logic implies that many people keep these samples so they can take them along when traveling, but then often forget they have them. But, if you enjoy your cosmetic samples, and they give you joy, then you can just keep them.

8. Reference Books

Textbooks, study guides, dictionaries, and so on are all samples of reference books. Marie’s logic is that we probably don’t use these books, and therefore they are also treated as unread books. She also asks if the reference books bring joy to you.

9. Gifts

We have all at some point received gifts that don’t match our style or that we don’t need. Marie advised disposing of them. We are not under any obligation to keep them. The real joy was felt when the giver gifted you the item. Keep the memory and move on.

10. Unidentified Cords and Devices

Do you have a container or box filled with spare electronic cords? Maybe any of your cameras, old iPods, or any of your old items bought ten years ago are not in use, discard such item as advised by Marie Kondo. I agree with this as we rarely visit the box when looking for a cord. We just assume that we don’t have the card after checking the usual place. Now we have more items on our Marie Kondo pile.

11. Unusual Stockpiles

Kondo also agreed that many of her clients have unnecessary clutters. She gave an example of people who kept too much plastic wrap, toilet paper, and cotton swabs. If there are some things you usually buy and keep, Marie encourages you to access your actual needs and the quantity you need to have with you. That would mean lesser towels for the family.

12. Boxes for Electronics

Many people keep boxes for their computers, cell phones, and so on. They believe their value will be increased when they are ready to resell. Others keep such boxes in case they are ready to move. Marie advises that the cost of storing empty boxes is costly than the value they add to resale. She recommends you get boxes when you are relocating instead of keeping them. I have this right on my task list. We have a plastic container that contains many technology boxes. I am so sure we don’t need to keep them anymore in the house.

13. Sentimental Items

Certainly, the first rule is great with this. Marie keeps sentimental items as the final category to sort through because it is the most difficult. She believes we should hold onto the memories and not the items. Holding onto old love letters, numerous historical photos, or things made by your grown kids when they were little will leave your home with many, but now is the time to check what gives you joy. Do you find it burdensome to keep certain things, you need to dispose of them.

14. Broken Items

I can’t relate to this one at all. But then, most of Marie’s clients store broken TVs or radios in their homes. If you can relate to this, you can then get rid of it once and for all.

15. Free Swag

You got from a conference during travel, in the office or little gadgets or pens that have a business name on them. All these items are not necessary and may not inspire joy.

16. Spare Sets of Bedding

This I can relate to well. I find it hard to dispose of my old comforters, and some towels that no longer match our décor. These items are sometimes not in bad shape, and it is often believe they can serve another purpose, such as using a drop cloth for the next painting job we do. KonMari instructs that if you have excess bedding you’ve kept for your visitor’s room, but you often did take visitors, then you can dispose of it now. They will only end up smelling and will not be ideal for your guests.

17. Small Change

This meets me surprisingly. Kondo is against keeping spare change in your home, nit in a bag, a jar, a piggy bank, or a bowl. Always spend change. Keep it in your wallet, and get it away from your house.

18. Products from the Modern Health Craze

Certain items that could fall into these categories include gear, machines, and some old hobby items. If you had bought rubber bands for resistance during exercise and are yet to make use of them, then you can part ways with them.

19. All Unread Books

According to Marie, many people have several books and, most importantly, unread books. She estimated that most people never have time to read these books. If they are yet to read the books, there probably won’t in the future. Try to get rid of the books.

20. Underwear

Allow more space for your underwear to breathe by stacking each pair straight up and dispose of older ones.



FAQs about Home Decluttering:

  1. What is the KonMari method of decluttering?
    It involves decluttering by category, keeping only items that “spark joy,” and organising items to maintain a tidy space.
  2. Why does Marie Kondo suggest discarding items that don’t bring joy?
    Items that don’t bring joy create clutter and prevent a home from feeling organised and peaceful.
  3. Why should price tags and packaging be discarded?
    Removing price tags and packaging helps make new items feel personal and integrated into your space.
  4. What should I do with old paperwork?
    Marie Kondo advises discarding most paperwork, keeping only essentials like personal letters and important documents.
  5. Why is it important to discard books you won’t read again?
    Books that aren’t read anymore only take up space. Keep only those that you love or intend to reread.
  6. What does Marie Kondo suggest for sentimental items?
    Keep only a few sentimental items that bring genuine joy and memories, and let go of the rest.
  7. What should be done with broken items?
    Discard broken items that you no longer use or cannot repair, as they only contribute to clutter.
  8. Why discard spare electronic cords and devices?
    Unused cords and outdated devices add unnecessary clutter and are unlikely to be needed again.
  9. How does Kondo suggest dealing with gifts?
    Gifts that don’t suit your style or needs should be discarded, as the joy was in the act of giving.
  10. What is the value of discarding spare bedding?
    Excess bedding often takes up space and becomes unusable over time; only keep what is necessary for guests or personal use.



I hope you find some things you can dispose of. Do you plan to take the marathon way or many sprints? This will enable you to tidy up your home and be more manageable. If you plan to use the KonMari Method to declutter, you have a serious task ahead of you. You need to head up straight with it and avoid any disturbance; trust yourself and guts. Make sure your friends and family members remain at their homes until you are finished with the task.
Lastly, you will feel better when you present your fresh, clutter-free space and see how they look amazed at the sight of them.