Home Organisers: Transforming Homes, Transforming Lives – a Case Study on Lorena


Home Organisers, a leading home decluttering and organising company based in Melbourne was established to make homes livable and enjoyable again. With a high rating on Google and numerous 5-star reviews, we’ve become the preferred choice for many clients and support coordinators, including those in the NDIS system.


Lorena, an NDIS participant, had suffered a heart-wrenching tragedy. A life-altering accident had not only claimed the life of her beloved husband but also significantly reduced the functionality of her hands. Devastated by the loss, Lorena spiralled into a deep depression and isolation, resulting in years of accumulated clutter. Lorena’s home mirrored her emotional turmoil, with mice damaging her clothes and essential documents.


Lorena’s NDIS support coordinator discovered Home Organisers through a Google search. Our exceptional online ranking and stellar reviews for our home organisation convinced him to trust our expertise for Lorena’s hoarding cleaning needs


Ton our initial visit, the magnitude of the task became apparent. The only navigable spaces were thin paths from the front door to the kitchen, balcony, and bedroom. Clutter reigned supreme everywhere, with clothes forming the bulk of the mess. Determined to bring change, we deployed a team of four expert home organisers for an entire four-day mission.


The transformation was both physical and emotional. With each passing day, as the clutter disappeared, so did Lorena’s desolation. By the end of the first day, her renewed zeal was palpable. Not only did the environment change, but Lorena herself started assisting our team more proactively, and we were advancing quickly. Her gratitude, evident in her continual thanks, energised our team, reaffirming the importance of their work and making them proud of their jobs.


Lorena’s home metamorphosed from a symbol of despair to a sanctuary of hope. The joy of life, which had eluded her for years, was now a visible spark in her eyes. Our home organisers were not just proud of the physical transformation of the house but, more importantly, the emotional revival they witnessed in Lorena.
Home Organisers believe a decluttered home can pave the way for a decluttered mind. In Lorena’s journey, we didn’t just organise a house; we played a part in restoring life. Our commitment remains to transform homes and touch lives, one space at a time.